What you'll learn from this course

What ESG is, and what is is not!
The business benefits of ESG
CSR vs ESG - Whats the difference?
Where do you start?
Myths and misconceptions
How to build and ESG framework

Lessons in this course

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About the trainer

With over 30 years of experience, Paul Davis helps businesses transition to sustainable practices. As a lecturer at DCU and advisor to business alliances, he specializes in sustainable procurement and mentors SMEs on their ESG strategies.

In his ESG Masterclass, Paul covers why ESG is essential, debunks common myths, highlights the risks of greenwashing, and explains how to build a strong ESG framework. He also explores the financial benefits, the future of ESG, and practical tips for small businesses to make a big impact while aligning business goals with sustainability principles.

Paul also delivers a number of full day training courses for CMG Training.

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